revolving doors in a glass building
By Products Ranges

By Resistances

By Sectors


By Products Ranges

By Resistances

By Sectors

Automatic Doors

automatic door

Automatic Door Opening System

We specialise in providing professional door automation solutions for businesses.

Entrance Control

Full Height Turnstiles

Full Height Turnstiles Single

Safetell’s Full Height Turnstiles are designed to assist pedestrian entrance control at…

turnstile full height

Full Height Turnstiles Double

Safetell’s Full Height Turnstiles are designed to assist pedestrian entrance control at…

a full height turnstile

Full Height Turnstiles Bicycle

Safetell’s Full Height Turnstiles are designed to assist pedestrian entrance control at…

a steel turnstile full height

Full Height Turnstiles Steel Pane

Safetell’s Full Height Turnstiles are designed to assist pedestrian entrance control at…

Glass Swing Gates

a glass gate

Glass Gate

Swing Gates are designed to assist with pedestrian access control. This type…

Retail Swing Gates

retail gate

Retail Gate

Swing Gates are designed to assist with pedestrian access control. This type…

a radar gate

Radar Gate

Swing Gates are designed to assist with pedestrian access control. This type…

Revolving Doors

revolving doors

Revolving Doors

Safetell’s Revolving Doors offer a high-security solution to control entry to secure…

round security portal

Circle Security Portals

A high security solution to control entry and exit to internal secure…

a round security portal

DDA Circle Security Portals

A high security solution to control entry and exit to internal secure…

Security Pass Door

security pass door

Security Pass Door

Safetell’s Pass Doors offer a high-security solution designed to assist entry and…

Security Portals

round security portal

Circle Security Portals

A high security solution to control entry and exit to internal secure…

a round security portal

DDA Circle Security Portals

A high security solution to control entry and exit to internal secure…

a square security portal

Square Security Portals

Square-based security portals with single person detection and abandoned object detection. Specifically…

Speed Gates

3 x square cabs

Square Cab

Safetell’s Speed Gates provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

round cabs

Round Cab

Safetell’s Speed Gates provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

two tone square cabs

Two Tone Square Cab

Safetell’s Speed Gates provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

Speed Lanes

Full Height Glass

Safetell’s Speed Lanes provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

a half height glass gate

Half Height Glass

Safetell’s Speed Lanes provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

full height glass gates

Full Height Glass DDA

Safetell’s Speed Lanes provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

half height glass gates

Half Height Glass DDA

Safetell’s Speed Lanes provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

compact cabs

Compact Cab

Safetell’s Speed Lanes provide an aesthetically pleasing entrance control and anti-tailgating solution…

Tripod Turnstiles

a tripod turnstile

Tripod Turnstiles

Safetell’s Tripod Turnstiles are designed to assist pedestrian entrance control at both…

Cash & Asset Protection

Cashier Drawers

cash drawer

Cash Drawers

Safetell cash drawers are a secure cash drawer unit with locking removable…

a cash tray

Cash Trays

Cash Tray Inserts are used for cashiers to store their cash float…

Cashier Pedestal

cashier pedestal

Cash Drop Boxes

Safetell Cashier Pedestals have been designed to protect cash from theft and…

Flip Top Tills

a flip top till

Metal Cash Boxes

Safetell Flip Top Tills contain a removable lockable steel cash box for…

Stock Limiters

stock limiter

Stock Limiters

Safetell Stock Limiter reduces the capacity of high value stock needing to…

Screens and Counters

Bullet Resistant Fixed Glazing

inside a bank showing cashdesk

Fast Rising Security Screen

Safetell Fast Rising Screens are concealed within the counterwork, facilitating easy communication…

design of security in an office

Bullet Resistant MKII Framework

Bullet Resistant MKII Framework and Counter solutions offer protection against physical attack…

security screen framed

Bullet Resistant Voestalpine Framework

Working as a first defence against ballistic attack, the screen and counterwork…

Manual Attack Fixed Glazing

security design

SafeAssure Plus UJ Security Glazing

SafeAssure Plus UJ Security Glazing is a secure area, steel-framed, anti-physical attack…

unobtrusive security screen

SafeAssure UG Security Glazing

SafeAssure UG Security Glazing is a system designed to offer an adaptable…

SafeShield UL Security Glazing

SafeShield UL Security Glazing

SafeShield UL Security Glazing is a secure area screening system designed to…

safeshield counters

SafeShield Specialist Glazing

SafeShield Special is a cost-effective secure area, steel-framed, anti-physical attack glazing system…

Moving Screens and Counters

inside a bank showing cashdesk

Fast Rising Security Screen

Safetell Fast Rising Screens are concealed within the counterwork, facilitating easy communication…


VertiSlide Transaction Window

VertiSlide Transaction Window is a manual attack-resistant, vertical sliding parcel hatch. It…



CounterShield is an anti-physical attack sash-style security window, designed to facilitate open…

Pay Window Units


Pay Windows PW1

Protect staff securely and enhance the ticketing, information and payment process with…

a pay window

Pay Windows PW2

Protect staff securely and enhance the ticketing, information and payment process with…

small pay window

Pay Windows PW3

Protect staff securely and enhance the ticketing, information and payment process with…

pay windows

Pay Windows PW4

Protect staff securely and enhance the ticketing, information and payment process with…

pay window

Pay Window PW5 External

Protect staff securely and enhance the ticketing, information and payment process with…

Security Doors

Glazed Security Doors

glazed security door

Glazed Security Doors

Glazed Security Doors protect employees and organisations from many types of attack…

Steel Security Doors

blue door

Steel Stalwart Doors

External steel security doors provide significant bullet, blast, fire and manual attack resistance…

Timber Security Doors

timber door

Timber Staffline Doors

Our internal timber security door provides bullet and manual attack resistance…

Security Walling & Partitioning


CityWall Modular Walling System

CityWall is a versatile modular security walling system used to construct any…

a guardhouse


Guard Houses provide a secure enclosure to house site security personnel and…

a panic room

Panic rooms

Our secure rooms create a safe environment within the home for high-net-worth…

blue atm pod

ATM Pods

Our ATM pods are constructed of CityWall, a modular security walling system designed to construct secure enclosures…

Secondary Glazing

secondary glazing

Secondary Glazing

Secondary Security Glazing provides bullet resistance and protection from physical attack as…

Transfer Units

Cash Transfer

Cash Scoop

Off-the-shelf cash and document transfer scoops available in varying depths which can…

an extending transaction drawer

Extending Transaction Drawer

Safetell’s bullet-resistant Extending Transaction Drawer allows the secure transfer of cash and…

a cash tray

Cash Trays

Cash Tray Inserts are used for cashiers to store their cash float…

Hopper Transfer Units

a meridian hopper

Meridian Hopper

Hopper Transfer Units are either wall or door mounted, manually operated modular…

door hopper

Door Hopper

Hopper Transfer Units are either wall or door-mounted, manually operated modular units…

Meridian Bulk Transfer Units

a bulk transfer unit

Meridian Bulk Transfer Unit 35

Bulk Cash Transfer Units enable the transference of cash or valuables into…

bulk transfer unit

Meridian Bulk Transfer Unit 35HD

Bulk Cash Transfer Units enable the transference of cash or valuables into…

a large meridian bulk transfer unit

Meridian Bulk Transfer Unit 70

Bulk Cash Transfer Units enable the transference of cash or valuables into…

meridian bulk transfer unit

Meridian Bulk Transfer Unit 70HD

Bulk Cash Transfer Units enable the transference of cash or valuables into…

a meridian bulk transfer unit

Meridian Bulk Transfer Unit 100

Bulk Cash Transfer Units enable the transference of cash or valuables into…

Meridian Composite

another meridian composite

Meridian Composite 35

Safetell’s Meridian Composite Transfer Units enable the secure transfer of valuables, whilst…

a small meridian composite

Meridian Composite 35HD

Safetell’s Meridian Composite Transfer Units enable the secure transfer of valuables, whilst…

a meridian composite

Meridian Composite 70

Safetell’s Meridian Composite Transfer Units enable the secure transfer of valuables, whilst…

meridian composite

Meridian Composite 70HD

Safetell’s Meridian Composite Transfer Units enable the secure transfer of valuables, whilst…

Meridian Module

meridian module

Meridian Module

Safetell’s Meridian Module combines two proven products, the Stalwart Steel Door and…

Night Pay Hatches

night pay hatch

Night Pay Hatch

A NightPay Hatch ensures the protection of staff, allowing the continuation of…

cashfast night drawer

CashFast – Night Pay Drawer

CashFast is a night pay hatch that is used to continue trading…

Removable Cash Tray Insert

a cash tray

Cash Trays

Cash Tray Inserts are used for cashiers to store their cash float…

Speech Transfer

a speech transfer system

Speech Transfer Systems

Speech transfer systems and window intercoms provide hands-free electronic two way speech…